10 on 1:40
5 on 1;30
10 on 1:20
5 on 1:10
10 on 1:00
5 on 1:40
10 on 1:30
5 on 1:20
10 on 1:10
5 on 1:00
5 on 1;30
10 on 1:20
5 on 1:10
10 on 1:00
5 on 1:40
10 on 1:30
5 on 1:20
10 on 1:10
5 on 1:00
10 on 1:40
5 on 1;30 10 on 1:20 5 on 1:10 10 on 1:00 5 on 1:40 10 on 1:30 5 on 1:20 10 on 1:10 5 on 1:00 We will be following the same pattern as the DV Masters Virtual Triple Challenge: two rounds of:
5 on 1:30 10 on 1:25 5 on 1:20 10 on 1:15 5 on 1:10 10 on 1:05 5 on 1:00 (100 reps in 2:05)
Warm-up: 15-20 mins choice
MS: 3 rounds of: 1 x ___________ on 4:00 2 x ___________ on 3:00 3 x ___________ on 2:00 4 x ___________ on 1:00 Pick your distance - just make sure you can make it on the given send-offs. Round 1: 1 on 4:00 - alternate 50 stroke/50 fr or 25 stroke/25 fr 2 on 3:00 - 200 IM or 175 IM (skip last 25) or 150 IM (1.5 lengths each stroke or 125 IM done as a 100 IM plus a 25 free 3 on 2:00 - alternate 25 stroke/25 fr 4 on 1:00 - 50s or 25s IMO or choice Round 2: all freestyle - pick a distance for each send-off that gives between 5-30s rest Round 3: Joker's Wild - your choice .You can work on sprinting (maybe 1 x 100, 2 x 75, 3 x 50, 4 x 25), maximizing distance (aiming to only get 1-10s per rep) or do anything you feel like (kick, pull, drills, stroke)! Cool Down: 5-10 min choice Open water based session 3/9/14
Warm-up: 5 mins easy Main Set 1: 1 x 25 head high 2 x 25 sighting every 5 strokes (eyes closed when face is in the water) 1 x 25 count strokes 1 x 25 eyes closed 30 sec vertical kick, 30 sec tread water into 50 fast 3 x 25 3 per lane, rotate position 1 x 25 eyes closed 30 sec vertical kick, 30s tread water into 25 fast with contact (300+ vertical kicking/treading) **Main Set 2: 1 x 400 or 300 try to build speed by 100, every 3rd length practice sighting something on deck R30s 1 x 300 or 250 no touching walls except on finish R30s 1 x 200 – race 4th and 8th length OR 1 x 150 - race 3rd and 6th lengths R30s 1 x 100 - eyes closed when face is in the water, open top eye when breathe (800-1000) ** Or 25s of drill/tech– catch up, ftcu, 8-3-8, etc. in place of part or all of MS2 Cool down: 100+ easy choice Total: 1200-1400 + warm up and vert kicking 2 rounds of the following:
1 on 1:35 2 on 1:30 3 on 1:25 4 on 1:20 1 on 1:30 2 on 1:25 3 on 1:20 4 on 1:15 1 on 1:25 2 on 1:20 3 on 1:15 4 on 1:10 1 on 1:20 2 on 1:15 3 on 1:10 4 on 1:05 1 on 1:15 2 on 1:10 3 on 1:05 4 on 1:00 10 reps alternating 1:40 and 1:20 send offs.
November 2016
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